Contestant: Cherechukwu Udenkwere

We interviewed a few riders who entered the Discover the Edge of Infinity contest. 

State your name, where you're from, and what drew you to the Infinity Roll Contest
My name is cherechukwu udenkwere, you can call me che. From Eastern side of Nigeria.
What got me to compete is the fun of it .. A a novice rider, infinity roll is one my good tricks but I didn't know how long I could do it so I took the challenge to find out and I have discovered that I could do it even longer and this happen to be my first contest.
What also got me to this contest is the fact that I ride alone(Bmx is not known here no one ride Bmx here) so I took this opportunity to ride with others invincibly but together in spirit.
Honestly I never wanted to compete because on the list I saw pros like Shawn white and other better riders I see on media but Joe cicman encouraged to have the fun so thanks to him.

What's a typical riding week like for you?
Great! The will always be a better improvement, if not a new tricks its a combo or a variation

Where do you see riding going over the next 2-3 years?
More heights, greater things, events and new tricks for sure

How long have you known (or known of) Bryan Huffman and how do you feel about his collection of Purple and Oil Slick stuff?
Not so long and I found his collection really cool and beautiful.

Any shout-outs / plugs / words of encouragement?
Shout to mark, to Ride on Bmx and Alain massabova for my bike and all my friends for their awesome support and grindbmx
Encouragement goes to The TerraDome Sports Science Research Centre and the flatland hood.
Keep up the good, it has given guys like me a chance and push me to do longer infinity rolls
I pray for more of this .
Mark Locke


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